Thursday, January 26, 2012

No Sleep Nancy..

No, my name is not ‘Nancy.’ I am just using it because it sounds good.. Even if the ‘Nancy’ part of that title is fake, the ‘No Sleep’ part is 100% true and real.
The last little while I have been in a very odd state of mind and I am not sure why. I am not sleeping well, and often not sleeping at all. I wish I could say that I had a reason to be awake, like I just won the lottery, or I married Marky Mark.. But once again those reasons are FAKE! I have every intention to go to sleep, I feel tired, I feel sleepy, I feel like I could close my eyes and pass out then and there… BUT…. As soon as I hit my pillow I become wide-eyed. Almost like I got hit with  instant caffeine boost. I lay there for minutes, sometimes hours and watch the clock and stare at the dark ceiling, begging myself to just close my eyes and sleep! The bad part is, that as soon as I am about to actually fall asleep, after hours of laying there frustrated and sighing to myself, the Boyfriend decides it’s a fantastic idea to begin snoring or grinding his teeth! (Got to love the sound of teeth grinding.. YUCK!) So now my sleep is ruined even more and I proceed to either elbow him or push him while telling him to.. Well you know.. I will keep it G rated… I tell him ever so nicely to be quiet and do it all with a gigantic smile on my face.
I don’t  know what it wrong with me! Baby Red sleeps 8pm-8am so she is definitely NOT the reason I can’t sleep.. Maybe it’s stress? Maybe it’s my anxiety? I don’t know, but  I wish I did. I am not one to take medication (unless I have to) So sleeping pills are OUT of the question.
Last night and the night before I fell asleep perfectly fine. Head hit the pillow and BING BAM BLAMO I was out like a light… Sound too good to be true!? I thought so. All of a sudden my eyes open, I roll over, look at the clock and it’s 2:30am. Fanfreakingtastical. How can one wake up at 2:30am and NOT be tired? I lay there for a bit hoping to the good Lord above that I will fall back asleep, but instead I am still wide-eyed and actually getting bored and angry. I pick up my phone and go on Facebook. Not much happening at 2:30 in the morning. I look over the clock and it’s now 4:30am. I decide to close my eyes and thank god I fell asleep, but only for 3 hours.
It’s stressing me out to the point where I am exhausted 24/7. I become a crazy lady, and not just because of my red hair. I get angry, I fly off the handle, I cry, I get mad at a drawer and cry because it won’t close properly. I have lost it. My sanity has officially left the building.
I need sleep, I want sleep, I am begging for sleep!!!